Friday, 30 December 2016

37 New Years Resolutions...

2016 is coming to an end and it's time to start fresh.
I know a lot of people hate that 'New year, new me' bullshit but I must say I'm quite good at keeping my New Years resolutions! 

I couldn't be bothered to bump it up to 40 so please make do with 37. :')

Obviously there are loads that I don't keep but I'm going to try my best. I feel like over 2016 I became a lot more career focused and a lot more determined to succeed in life and so this year I'm even more determined.

Below is a list of my New Years resolutions and there are a lot of them! So grab a cuppa, a biscuit or ten and maybe a notepad in case you wanna steal any. There's some good ones! ;)

  1. I want to do the typical 'work on my body' resolution. In particular, I want to start doing squats to work dat booty, sit-ups because I can get a killer six pack from sit-ups (I've done it before, I'll do it again), and most importantly...weights. Whenever I gain weight it goes to my boobs, butt and thighs which is fine but it NEVER goes on my skinny little arms and it stresses me out so much. I ALWAYS get people grabbing my arms saying 'Look how thin you are!' and I am so determined to build my arms next year. I also want to start running once a week just to keep my heart healthy. I suffer with anxiety a lot and having a heart-attack is my 'new thing' and so I feel this will help calm me down!
  2. I want to work on my diet. I want to increase my calorie intake so I can gain weight and become very strict with it. I also want to eat very healthily. I recently cut out meat, there have been a few times I've let myself down but generally I have been having quorn to substitute protein. I would like to eventually become vegan and so I've treated myself to a few cookbooks for Christmas. 
  3. I want to keep up a good skincare routine. I'm not too bad at the moment but I go through phases where I leave taking my make-up off too late at night and then I'm too tired to do my skincare properly. I want to cleanse, tone and moisturise day and night...every day and every night!
  4. I want to start YouTube. I said this last year but when I tried filming videos I just deleted them because Elliot laughed at me and it ruined it. He said it was just nervous laughter but I took offence and it just put me off so instead I started doing little Snapchat vlogs here and there. I feel as though this has boosted my confidence on camera and so I'm going to give it another try. I'm not going to invest in any professional equipment just yet, I'll just use my phone and see how I get on first so keep your eyes peeled for that!
  5. I want to continue working hard on my blog, this year was extremely successful for me blog-wise and I want to see where 2017 can take me. Working hard on my blog was my resolution last year and I kept to it and I've come so far with it which makes me eager to keep to all my resolutions. 
  6. I want to improve my engagement on my other social medias. I already work really hard on my Instagram which can be difficult because of Instagram's stupid algorithm so I want to try and beat that and get more engagement with my followers. I also want to work on my Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest etc and reach out to more people.
  7. I want to drink more water. I'm terrible at drinking water. I'm terrible at drinking full stop. I don't really get thirsty so I forget and then I get a headache so I seriously need to start having my 8 glasses a day! My skin would probably clear quicker and I'd just be healthier in general.
  8. I want to attend more events. In particular, blogger events. I tend to keep to myself to myself with my blog and that's not the way to do it. I don't know a massive amount of bloggers. The ones I do interact with are quite big successful bloggers such as The Pixie Cut,  Scarlett London, Sophie Hannah Richardson, Josie Fear and Maddie Bruce which is exciting but I need to meet more people in the industry and so attending events is the way to do that! I have my first blogger event in March in London and I'm shocked I haven't attended one sooner.
  9. I want to save money. I did ok this year considering my life-time savings went on my flat, I ended up paying for all of it and so I had to start all over again but I'm getting there! I need to be stricter on Elliot too because he is terrible at saving money. I suppose we balance each other out.
  10. I want to work super hard. Not only on my blog but at my part-time job. I'm really enjoying it lately and I think I'm picking up some more hours (not by choice) but we need to save for a wedding so I'll work as much as I can and then any spare time I get will be spent blogging so any of my friends reading this...don't expect me to do any socialising this year. I'll be busy. :')
  11. I want to show Elliot I appreciate him more. When we first started dating we argued...a lot. As do many couples, but since getting our own place we have done really well. We used to argue every single day so that was 365 arguments in 2015. Throughout the entirety of 2016 we argued 4 times. And we stayed mad at each other for about 5 minutes so I think that's some good going! I plan to have 0 arguments in 2017 (lol, we shall see) and I think I will make time to do special little things for Elliot to show him how much I appreciate him. Whether that is gifts, mentions in my blog, planning days out or cooking meals for him. I'll do it because I love him.
  12. I want to start planning the wedding. We got engaged in July but I feel as though we haven't really spoke about it since. I sometimes feel like certain people aren't very happy for us and so that puts me off talking about it because they just don't seem interested but it's not about other people. It's what Elliot and I want and so why should we shy about talking about plans. We want to view some venues this year. We aren't getting married until November 2019 but it's never too early to make plans that we know we won't change. 
  13. I want to take more downtime. I know that contradicts working hard but just on my days off I would like to spend half of it blogging and a few hours doing crafts. I always used to knit and I didn't pick up my knitting needles once this year. Elliot got me a load of crafty things for Christmas so that gives me an incentive to start again. I'm planning to design some clothes too!
  14. I want to go on my phone less. I am always stuck to my phone. Partly because that's where I do the majority of my blogging when I'm on the go but even in my spare time when I'm not blogging I'm constantly checking up on my social medias, replying to emails and I think I need to have time where I switch off from technology all together. 
  15. I want to spend less time on social media that isn't work related. I won't delete Facebook but I don't really want to use it as much anymore.
  16. I want to quit drinking. Drinking has never been an issue for me. I very rarely drink, it's usually on occasions and when I do have a glass of red, I have 1 or 2 but I completely want to cut it out. I got drunk for the first time in about 2 years recently and the next day I was like nahhh.
  17. I want to get my boobs measured. Hahaha. Since puberty I've always said 'I should probably check I'm wearing the right bra size' but I never get round to doing it. I imagine I'm probably wearing the wrong size like the majority of women.
  18. I also want to get my other ear pierced. I had both pierced when I was younger and after stretching one of them it healed up completely and so I only have one pierced. It's so frustrating now that brands send me lovely earrings that I can't even wear so that is something I will do this year!
  19. I want to make my own beauty products. I know that sounds ambitious and a little bizarre but I recently decided I want to use only paraben free products as parabens are harmful to the body. I was searching for a paraben free eye cream and a few popped up but when I checked the ingredients there were stills lots of ingredients that I had never heard of. I want to know exactly what I am putting on my body and so I looked into making my own eye-cream from natural household products and I'm going to give it a go. If it;s a success I shall do it for all my skincare.
  20. I want to add a page to my website called 'Shop my Instagram' so that if you guys ever see a photo of me wearing an outfit and you like it or one of my accessories etc you can click the link in my Instagram bio and simply click the button that says 'shop my Instagram' and you will find a link straight to the item for you to purchase! 
  21. I want to take time to read other peoples blogs. I try my best to do this anyway but I want to put more time aside to do it. (I don't know how much time I plan on having in 2017. I'm sure going to need a lot!)
  22. I want to learn to cook! This is possibly my main one. I can cook as long as it's in the oven and I have instructions. Not because I'm uncapable of cooking, just because I'm terrified of the gas. I always convince myself I'll blow the house up and so we got a plug-in electric hob so now I have no excuses. I've cooked some really great meals since we got it and after treating myself to new cookbooks I plan to make us tea whenever I can. I'd like to be able to have tea on the table ready for when Elliot gets home. I like to think I'm in 'wifey training'.
  23. This sounds incredibly patronising but I want to write up a housework rota for myself and Elliot. I think we have a good balance as it is. I do all the dish-washing and clothes washing and Elliot does the cooking. But now that I want to cook I feel that Elliot could help out more with the cleaning. I think it's fair we take things in turns and do our fair share.
  24. I want to travel this year. Obviously it depends on our money and time situation but we have spoke about visiting Edinburgh, London, Paris, Italy, Amsterdam and maybe go for a scuba dive lesson at PADI Dive Center. However, my anxiety has really affected my ability to travel and so I want to beat it this year and stick my fingers up at it.
  25. I want to make more effort with my appearance. I wouldn't say I've let myself go...yet. But I just can never be arsed to get dressed in a morning and so little things like that need sorting.
  26. I want to improve my make-up skills. I'm not very good at doing my make-up and I want to perfect my brows! So if anyone has any make-up tips or hacks holla at me.
  27. I want to look better without make-up so although I want to improve my make-up skills, I also want to improve my natural beauty so I don't feel so dependent on make-up.
  28. I want to sort out my acne. I sorted it a few years ago after being put on medication and it cleared right up but it came back and I need to sort it again. I would be soooo much more confident but it's just finding time in between all the other medical tests to start a whole other medical journey. Fed up of the doctors!
  29. I want to get all this doctors malarkey sorted. I am currently undergoing fertility testing but it keeps springing off into other issues which then have to be tested and I just feel as though I am being tested for about ten million illnesses that aren't even fertility related and it's playing my anxiety up. I want to get it all done asap so that the stress is out the way. 
  30. I want to try out new hairstyles. Whenever I bring myself to make effort with my hair I always do the same old things.
  31. I want to transfer my blog over to my own domain. That way it can be my own website and not through Blogspot. 
  32. I want to make some business cards because I desperately need some! People always ask me for them and I don't have any. What a fail! 
  33. I want to get into baking. I feel like cooking is just the right measurements and you can't really go wrong but baking is an art and takes talent so that is something I am looking to get into it.
  34. I want to read more books. 
  35. I would like to take the time to do Blogmas or Vlogmas next year. It takes a lot of time and planning so we shall see how I get on.
  36. I want / need to improve my sleep routine. I have always had a bad sleep routine. I tend to go to bed at around 3am and then stay up till around 4/5am and then sleep in till 12pm. I probably get enough sleep, maybe even too much but it's always the wrong time of day. I want to get that sorted. 
  37. I want to sort my teeth out. I wouldn't say they are in bad condition. They are nice and clean and I have no issues with them. I brush night and day but I want to look into Invisalign braces. One of my front teeth slightly overlaps the other and I have slight overcrowding of my teeth. I never really thought it was noticeable before as nobody has ever picked up on it my entire life but Elliot mentioned it the other day and now I'm really self conscious haha! I promise he showers me with compliments too! But it's something I would like to get sorted before our wedding regardless. It's not a huge issue but would just be nice to have straight teeth.
And I think that's it. There are probably so many more that I will think of but that's it so far. If there are any interesting ones that you plan to do in 2017, let me know as I would love to hear them!
I hope you all have a happy, safe end to 2016 and a great introduction to 2017.

I'll be taking a look back at my highlights and lowlights of 2016 in my next blogpost and it's in collaboration with PhotoBox UK so keep your eyes peeled!

Much Love and a Happy new Year.

Disclaimer: All opinions, words and photos in this blog post are my own.

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