Sunday, 30 December 2018

10 Goals For 2019

It's tradition here at Sleek For Yourself, for me to write a post at the end of the year looking back at everything that happened. I almost 'review' my year.

Well 2018 was an absolute shit show (excuse my language). Every single month, something went wrong. There was heartbreak. A lot of heartbreak and bad news, after bad news, after bad news. And quite frankly I'd rather forget the whole thing happened. We all know how truly awful my 2017 was...well 2018 knocked it out the park. 
I don't really fancy looking back at it and depressing us all, so instead I decided to do something a bit more positive this year and look forward to what will hopefully be a good 2019!

I wanted to share my 10 goals for the year.

I don't really want to call them 'New Years Resolutions' because we all know those don't go any further than the 31st of January. 

I don't plan to put too much pressure on myself but below are the main things I'd like to work on this coming year.

Food - This is the one that reoccurs every single year. I want to gain weight, I want to eat healthy balanced meals. This is definitely something I focus on 'too much'. I pressure myself to reach goals every year and the stress from it all makes me ill and has the opposite effect. So I'm going to make an effort but I'm not going to work myself up over it. Hopefully 2019 will be the year I get my early onset of middle aged spread. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻

Yoga - This is something I got into throughout 2018. I really really enjoy yoga and I can definitely tell when I'm slacking. Not only is it good for the body, it's good for the soul and your mental health. I really sink myself into yoga and I'd like to improve at it. I'm not the best at yoga but I know with practice I can get myself into some of the more difficult positions! It's something I'd really like to progress with!

Explore more - By explore more I don't necessarily mean travel the world (although I would like at least one holiday this year!)... I actually mean London. I want to explore my surroundings more. Moving to London can be very daunting and finding your way about, especially on the underground, can be terrifying at first. I very easily fall into the habit of becoming a bit of a recluse and I can struggle to leave the house sometimes. This was something a friend of mine recently pointed out and I almost feel as if I have to prove people wrong. I can be brave and leave the house and find new places to visit! Don't underestimate me. Working from home can be very isolating and so I made the decision that every Friday I will find a new coffee shop to work from my laptop in. I found a really nice one just down the road so that will be one of my regulars! 

Independence - Last year I gained a LOT of independence and although it may not come across like I have, I have noticed a huge difference. I've always been independent in the sense of money. I've never borrowed money or let others pay my way and I never will. 
By independence I mean going places alone. As I mentioned about the's difficult but I'm working on it. I just need to do my research and then I will feel more comfortable going it alone. I also feel like I can be happy without others now. You can only love others when you can learn to love yourself first and that's something I learnt this year. 

Make-up - I don't wear makeup to cover up because I'm self conscious (That is a blatant lie) , but I would like that to be the case. I want to try more 'creative makeup'...artistic pieces for my Instagram and stuff. I'm not awful at makeup but I'm certainly not good and so I would like to practice and become super creative with it!

Join a local class - Some sort of performing art class, whether it be dance, acting or singing. I really miss college and I always had a passion for performing and with age it's been pushed to the back of my cupboard of priorities. I'd like to have something I can do alone, that will require some independence and bravery that I'll really really enjoy. Maybe a musical theatre group would be perfect!

Work harder - I work hard and I will stand my ground to anybody who thinks I don't. But this year will be an intense one. I am so determined to succeed with my blog and I WILL do it. 2016 GirlBoss Stacie is coming back out to play.

Socialise more and make new friends - I made SO many new friends this year and that has been the best part of my 2018. I lost friends (because some people jump to conclusions and don't just ask to hear your side of the story and THE TRUTH 🙃) but I also gained a whole bunch of really genuine amazing people. It made me realise how lonely I had previously been and now I really enjoy seeing my pals. I'd like to have a group of friends in London to be honest but at my age it's hard, so hopefully joining a local theatre group might help! 
I also want to make more effort to see my current friends and family. It's difficult when we all live so far apart but I'm determined to not isolate myself again. 

Grow my hair out - I cut my hair after going through a break up didn't I? 🙄 Stupid thing to do and now I hate it so much, So I'm going to grow it again but also grow out my hair dye and go back completely natural. I LOVE being ginger but for my hairs health, I'd like to go back natural which is a mousy blonde and 'restart' if you like. 

Be the hostess with the mostess - I've never been in the living situation where I can host properly but I feel like I finally am and so I plan to make more effort over occasions like Easter, Birthdays, Christmas, Summer parties, BBQs etc... I want people to feel at home here. 

So those are my 2019 goals. What are yours? I'd love to hear them! They might inspire me to grow my list!

If you liked this post be sure to subscribe via email or Bloglovin! 

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

See you in 2019 🥂



  1. Hi Stacie, so sorry that this year was a more difficult one for you. But nevertheless I really think you can be so proud on what you already achieved and that you are so indepent in the context of money!
    Have a very happy New Year!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Happy New Year! I've always been so proud of myself for being able to look after myself in regards to money so you're right it is something to look back at with gratitude.
      All the best,
      Stacie xx

    2. Thank you! Looking back with graditude in regards to money makes definitely absolutely sense!
      Many thanks for your kind comment on my blog. Do you want to follow each other?
      xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. Oh yeah, cutting your hair after break-up is always a terrible idea, been there done that. You still look great, don't worry. I plan to cut my hair and dye it as well, I'm a little bit sick of my natural hair. I used to dye my hair lighter color, so maybe this time I'm going to repeat it. I hope your new year is going to be much better than the old one!
    Happy new year,

    1. Aww thank you, I actually managed to grow most of it out and my hair felt SO good! It had never felt so soft, but then I had an event where I needed to look nice and the roots were awful so I ha to re-dye!
      Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!!

  3. I love these goals!! I'm sorry 2018 wasn't a great year for you but I know 2019 is going to be your year! Your aspirations to achieve self love and self care can create such a positive you and you sound like you know what you want, you go girl!! Wishing all the love and happiness for 2019. Pinar xo

    1. Aww Thank you for sure a lovely comment Pinar! I really hope 2019 is a great one for you too which I'm sure it will be :) Keep doing what you're doing because you're smashing it! xx

  4. Sorry to hear about your 2018 being rubbish, at least it's over now and I wish you all the best for 2019! Love your goals, I'm sure you'll achieve them <3 I always feel a bit down in January (probably because its back to work and its mega cold) but I like the idea of putting all the negative things behind me!

    Chloe Chats xx

    1. You're right! Thank you for the positivity, I should definitely look at things in a more positive light this year! Thanks for reading and Happy New Year, wishing you all the best for 2019! xx

  5. Lol, I can totally relate to 'growing' your hair out. I went through a Miley Cyrus stage and I haven't recovered. My hair is still not as long as I'd like it to be. Love all your goals for 2019. Hope you have a beautiful year, beautiful!

    1. Aww thank you so much!
      Haha us ladies are never satisfied! When we have long hair we want short hair and when it's short, we miss long! :')
      Thank you for reading and Happy New Year sweet!!

  6. Thank you for reading! Happy New Year! :)

  7. I'm sorry 2018 wasn't the best for you but I like your positive attitude about it. Your goals for 2019 sound socially amazing!! I'm so inspired by some of your selections. I too want to get out the house more. I think I'll work at a coffee shop too but on Thursdays to get some independence and change of environment. I too want to start exploring my city and learn more about where I live. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Stacie ❤️✌🏾❤️✌🏾

    Natonya |

    1. Aww thanks Natonya! I'm so glad that my post inspired you and I hope January is going well for you so far! :) xx


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