Saturday, 18 April 2020

10 Ways To Stay Happy And Healthy During Covid-19

I wasn't planning on doing any Covid-19 related posts as I like my blog to be a place that people can escape to with a cuppa. I tend to keep my website nice and positive. Not only for you guys, but for me too.

But as it's all anybody can focus on lately I thought I'd try and help as best I can in my own little way, by suggesting some ideas to keep you upbeat during lockdown!

Here are my top ten ways to stay happy and healthy, physically and mentally.

1. Exercise

One of the most important things to do during this time is exercise. You may not be the type of person to enjoy working out, but this doesn't have to be heavy exercise! Some light yoga in your living room, even just a few morning stretches, going for a short walk around the block counts too. 

A lot of people aren't able to work during this time so they already lose out on exercise that they would have done during their work commute. 
Try and keep active. It'll only be harder to get motivated again when this is all over. 

Exercise releases endorphins and that feel-good feeling is something we all need right now.
There are so many places you can access free workout plans online (YouTube, Apps, Google, and even different gyms social media pages are sharing free at home workouts).

2. Meditation

I know many people are suffering mentally with all the negative news we can't seem to escape from and one way that you can escape reality (even if only for a few minutes) is through meditation. I think a lot of people have the wrong idea of what meditation is and that's why I always direct people to the app 'Simple Habit'. They have lots of 5 minute guided meditations that help immensely. 
There's always the perfect one for however you are feeling. There is such a variety of topics on there. Including escaping negative news!

3. Take a multivitamin

Taking a multivitamin not only puts your mind at ease but genuinely helps boost your immune system. It's best to take one to be on the safe side so if you are struck down with any nasty illnesses, your body will be able to cope better.  

4. Wash your hands!

It's all anybody keeps saying, but there's a reason for it! This is how to prevent yourself from contracting the virus! Every time you leave the house, be sure to wash your hands when you get home. Even better if you can carry around some anti-bacterial hand gel with you. 

5. Get fresh air

Although here in the UK we are allocated a daily walk, it doesn't mean we HAVE to use it. But of course it is there if you need it. Don't take the biscuit but by all means, get some fresh air. If you have a garden or balcony, even better! I know it's hard whilst we've been having such gorgeous sunshine but try and refrain and help towards saving lives. 
Fresh air is good for the soul. Even just opening the windows and letting some air through. 

6. Self care

Don't forget to look after yourself! You might be head of the household lately like myself and have to care for others, but don't forget that YOU are top priority! Take time to do the little things, light a candle, do a face mask, have a hot bath. Don't neglect your health! In any aspect! Put yourself first. 

7. Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated! Drink as much water as you can. It will help flush out any toxins and will keep you at your healthiest. It's scary how quickly dehydration can come on and how much of a nasty effect it can have on you. This is probably the most important tip.

8. Keep social

Don't neglect yourself but also don't neglect others. For your own sanity, stay in touch with family and friends. Everyone is bound to be feeling pretty isolated and lonely at the moment, especially if they are spending quarantine alone.
But even if people have their families, they might not be happy! Reach out to loved ones and check everyone is ok. 

9. Avoid the news

The worst thing you can do right now if you are suffering mentally is surf the web for information on Covid-19. ESPECIALLY if it's negative news, like death rates, or symptom checking.
This is why I wanted to share this post because at least if you are going to click on something Coronavirus related then hopefully it's something helpful!

10. Eating healthy

Take this time to start fresh. Eat right! For people who have spare time thanks to lockdown, try out some new recipes. 
I've been creating fresh vegan meals daily and my body is thanking me for it big time! I feel reassurance that my body is in good health at the minute and that eases any poor mental health that creeps in. A healthy stomach is a healthy mind. FACT. Look it up!

I hope these tips help you to cope a little better if you are struggling. Feel free to share this with anyone you know who is having a hard time. 

Stay safe, stay hydrated.

Love to you all.


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